Vegetable Kerala Stew

This has been my favorite since childhood.  Vegetable stew aka “Isthu” is a traditional Kerala dish served with Apam.  My mom used to make this for occasions like Christmas, Easter as our staple breakfast but from the time H&H (my twin kids Hansel and Hena 😉 )have started demanding it, their grandmother is always ready to serve them this yumylicious curry. The ingredients are minimal and the simplicity of the recipe wins you over. This is a mild flavored curry with not more spices but the flavor of the vegetables cooked in the coconut gravy is mesmerizing. 

Vegetables of your choice (i use french beans, potatoes, carrot, green peas)


Onion 1 sliced

Shallots 10

Ginger 1 tsp, grated

Green Chillies – 3

Curry leaves  – a sprig

Cinnamon stick – 1″ stick

Green cardamom – 2

Cloves – 2

Thin coconut milk – 1 1/4 cups

Thick Coconut milk – 3/4 cup

Black peppercorns – 4-5

Salt to taste



In a heavy bottom cooker kadai add all the vegetables along with ginger, garlic, green chilies, curry leaves, onion, salt and little raw coconut oil and mash well. Close the lid and cook till you get one whistle. Once the cooker is completely cool then comes the next steps of adding the coconut milk 😉


Once the cooker is completely cool, open the lid and add the thin coconut milk in the cooked vegetables and switch on the gas and keep it on low flame. Cook for about 5-6 minutes. The lastly add the thick coconut milk and let it cook for only 2-3 minutes or until you see light bubbles around the vessel. Switch of the gas immediately, do not let the coconut milk boil or else it will curdle.


Heat coconut oil (as this is a traditional Kerala curry i love using coconut oil, you can either use ghee or cooking oil of your choice),  add cardamom, cinnamon stick, black peppercorns and then add the shallots which are finely chopped and fry till the shallots turn light golden. Add the curry leaves and switch of the gas. Pour this to the hot stew and serve with Apam.



I enjoyed it with Apam 😉



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1 Response to Vegetable Kerala Stew

  1. chris says:

    that appam & stew was really awesome

    Liked by 1 person

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