Mambazha Pulissery – Ripe Mango in a Yogurt Curry …

Mambazha Pulissery is an authentic Kerala style curry in which ripe mangoes are cooked in a yogurt and coconut based spicy curry. It is sweet, sour, spicy and a little tangy curry . Mango season is here, so try this delicious curry … Pulissery can made prepared with pineapple, raw bananas, tomatoes also. I prefer to make my Pulissery in earthen vessel as it tastes better. 



Curd – 2 cups

Ripe Mangoes – 2

Grated Coconut – 1 cup

Turmeric powder – 1/2 tsp

Salt to taste

oil – 2 tsp

Mustard – 1 tsp

Red Chillies – 7

Cummin seeds – 1 tsp

Curry leaves

Fenugreek Seeds – 1 tsp

Heat oil, add mustard seeds and let it crackle, add Fenugreek seeds and let it brown a little. Add mango pieces, salt, turmeric powder. Cook till the mango pieces properly. Grind coconut, jeera, red chillies and add the ground paste  to the mangoes and mix well. Beat the curd well and add it to the mangoes, just as you can see small bubbles on the sides of the Earthern vessel simmer the gas and then switch off the gas in 5 mins. Do not boil as the curds will curdle. Add curry leaves as the final garnish. Mambazha Pulissery is ready to serve.






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