Bombay Potato Toast Sandwich

I have lived in Mumbai all my life, so i am very much used to eating the Mumbai Roadside Food like vada-paav (which is popularly known as the Indian Burger or the poor man’s food), Bhel Puri, Pani-Puri, sandwiches my all time favorite  and the list is endless 😉😉 I am sure people who have lived in Mumbai for half of their life and now settled in different parts of the world will surely miss this Street Food of Mumbai 😦 as it is difficult to get the same kind of stuff in any other parts of the Globe. Hence, the only way out is to make this at home and not miss the Mumbai Food. Sandwiches are very popular in Mumbai, you will find a sandwich stall near every corner of a College, railway stations, close to hospital gates and office areas. I was used to eating sandwiches below my office  building , the endless helpings of the spicy green chutney were to die for 🙂 So, folks here i am sharing the original  Bombay Potato Toast Sandwich
final For the Green Chutney:

  • 1 cup coriander leaves
  • 1/ 4 cup mint leaves
  • ½ inch ginger
  • 1 green chili
  • black  salt
  • Juice of 1 lemon

Grind the ingredients for the green chutney with little water to a smooth paste.

For the potato filling:

2 cup mashed potatoes

½ onion – chopped finely

½ tomato – chopped finely

1 small green chilly – chopped finely curry leaves

½ tsp cumin seeds

¼ tsp mustard seeds

chopped coriander leaves

¼ tsp turmeric powder

a pinch of asafoetida

¼ tsp red chili powder.

In a pan, heat some oil. Add mustard seeds. Let them crackle. Add cumin seeds. Then add onions. Fry the onions till transparent. Now add the tomatoes. Fry the tomatoes till they become soft and are mashed well. Add the chopped green chillies. Add the all the spice powders mentioned . Mix them well. Now add the mashed potatoes. Add salt. Mix the stuffing really well. Keep on stirring on so that the mixture does not stick to the pan. Cook for 5 minutes.

Other ingredients:

8 slices of bread – brown or white

Few thin slices of onions, tomatoes, capsicum

Amul Butter Sandwich Masala (which is easily available in grocery stores)

Assembling of the Sandwich:-

Take 2 bread slices

Trim the edges of the bread ( I generally do not trim the edge of the bread, it becomes very crisp when it is toasted) 🙂

Apply Amul butter generously on one bread slice.

Now apply the green chutney on the bread. Take the potato mixture and apply it on 1 bread. Keep one or two onion, tomato and capsicum rings on this mixture. Sprinkle some sandwich masala . Now cover this potato filling bread with another slice of bread, to which you have applied butter and chutney . In a sandwich toaster or grill, toast or grill the sandwich till browned from both sides. Remove and apply some butter on top of the sandwich. The butter melts. Its crisp from outside and spicy and soft from inside. The hot, crispy sandwich is ready top serve. Serve the bombay toast sandwich hot with the green chutney and tomato ketchup.

Hope i have done justice by sharing the correct recipe of the awesome Bombay Potato Toast Sandwich


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